Belmont Garden Club         

                      Belmont, Massachusetts

The Belmont Garden Club presents the 2025 Anne Allen Lecture

Rewilding: Designing landscapes

in an era of climate change

Free and open to the public!

By Trevor Smith, Director of Design and Education at the Weston Nurseries


Tuesday, March 11, 2025 @7:30 PM

The First Church of Belmont

Unitarian Universalist

404 Concord Avenue


Join Trevor Smith for a talk on the why, what, and how of native planting in your yard’s gardens and lawn. Transitioning to native planting can lead to many benefits, such as less maintenance and lower costs: native trees, shrubs, and perennials require little or no fertilizer, irrigation, and weeding once established. The need for lawn mowing is reduced. Water use drops - many native alternatives have deep root systems which with their water efficiency need less irrigation, conserving limited natural groundwater, especially in times of drought. Trevor will discuss different plant choices for your lawn and/or gardens that could turn your yard into a beautiful and sustainable habitat and why native landscaping is important to our community and environment. Imagine observing the fascinating transformation as your new landscape changes and is established!

Trevor Smith is Weston Nurseries’ Design and Education Manager. Trevor specializes in green storm water infrastructure, such as permeable pavers and rain gardens, as well as in landscapes designed to maximize Earth’s systems while balancing them with the needs and desires of her human inhabitants. He is equally driven by both the form and function of his landscape designs. He is passionate about the natural world which inspires his commitment to ecological principles and practices and devoted to creating beautiful landscapes that create an oasis to reconnect with the natural world. Mr. Smith holds several landscape certifications, including MCH, NOFA AOLCP, LEED GA, and IPCI, and he is also a past President of the Ecological Landscape Alliance and a current Trustee.

Belmont Garden Club is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization

Belmont Garden Club 

P.O. Box 360 

Belmont, MA 02478